The TC05-M01 mobile validator is designed to validate Swiss multiple-journey cards in UTP format, for 6 or 12 trips.
The TC05-M01 mobile validator can be controlled via the vehicle's IBIS communication bus, or operate autonomously. As required, it can be powered with a 24V service voltage or with an 18-36V battery voltage.
The slot of the TC05-M01 mobile validator is designed to facilitate insertion of multiple-journey cards.
A green or red indicator light tells the users the operating status of the machine.
Sensors detect card insertion, and check card orientation before validating.
The casing of the TC05-M01 mobile validator is made from brushed stainless steel and thermo-lacquered aluminium, thereby providing very good resistance to minor vandalism.
The TC05-M01 mobile validator can be remotely deactivated with the "raid" function, particularly during a ticket check.
A red light indicates that the validator is out of service, and a shutter closes the card insertion slot.
The TC05-M01 mobile validator is designed to validate Swiss multiple-journey cards (CMC) in UTP format, for 6 or 12 trips, with thickness ranging from 120 to 350 g/m2.
On request, TC05 validators can be configured to accept other multiple-journey ticket or card formats.
The TC05-M01 mobile validator uses a quick-mounting device for installation on vehicle bars. A validator can be removed or installed by means of a lock and security key.
The mounting device is compatible with the old SADAMEL validators.
The TC05-M01 mobile validator enables the operator, at any time, to select which IBIS messages need to be used. TC05-M01 validators can be freely configured in IBIS mode or autonomous mode.
> Mobile validators TC05-M01
> Stationary validators TC05-S02
> Integrated validators TC05-OEM01
A PC-based service software with wireless link (IrDA) can be used to monitor TC05 validators without having to open them up or remove them from their supports.
Service personnel can easily: look up the cycle counters, request a diagnostic, control test functions, program and configure the validators…
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